
Once upon a time, Alice followed a little white rabbit into a magical land. Everything here is so curious and strange. In this fantastic dream world, we experienced many things, including strange, happy, scary, and interesting things. In a word, it is a wonderful adventure. Wesley School children also went on their own adventure

Oh no! The Red Queen locked Alice in a cage. We needed to find the key to save Alice. The little warriors started their adventure according to the rescue map.
1 按照解救地图第一个标识——惊险钓鱼岛
1st Stop – Fish Island

2 解救地图第二个标识——神奇药水
2nd Stop – Brewing a Magic Potion
小勇士们为了解救爱丽丝,又向第二个地点出发。In order to save Alice, the little warriors set off to the second quest.

3 解救地图第三个标识——兔子的怀表
3rd Stop – A Pocket Watch for the White Rabbi

4 解救地图第四个标识——变大变小魔法屋
4th Stop – Big and Small Magic House

5 解救地图第五个标识——玫瑰花园
5th Stop – Rose Garden

小勇士们凭借着对爱丽丝的爱,胜利的完成了探险之旅,找到了解决爱丽丝的钥匙。 Finally, due to their undying love for Alice, the little warriors successfully completed the expedition and found the key to free Alice from her cage.

The love of the little warriors even inspired and moved the Red Queen herself. From then on, she changed her ways and everyone lived together in unity and friendship.